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- Burke, Roseanne
Finally, For Me Page 8
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Page 8
"Hey, good morning you. Breakfast?" he asked, lifting up the bowl.
"Ben really does make waffles," I smiled. My chest tightened. How incredibly sweet was this? I couldn't believe he remembered that conversation. "Yes that sounds wonderful. Where did you get the ingredients?" Relief washed over me after I realized he hadn't actually left.
"I'm kind of an early riser, so I just ran down to the grocery store," he replied, returning to his work.
"I see. Well thank you so much. You're the best," I said, pouring myself a cup of coffee. I smiled to myself. I had slept with Ben.
"You're welcome. I told you I'd make you waffles," he smiled, glancing sideways at me.
My heart felt like it could burst.
"And if you had slept ten minutes longer, it would've been breakfast in bed." He winked at me. Why was that sentence so sexy?
I swung my arm in front of me, snapping my fingers. "Darn. Well maybe next time then." I took a seat at the breakfast bar, watching him place waffles on plates. He carried them over and sat down next to me.
"Next time, huh?" he smiled. My cheeks burned in response.
I quickly took a bite before I could answer. "Mmmmm, so good." Yes, I wanted a "next time." And I wanted it to go a little differently than last night. A little less sleeping, perhaps.
"I'm glad they're ok," he laughed. "I am not much of a cook."
"More than ok," I replied, chewing. "They're delicious."
We sat silently for a moment, eating.
"So, what are your plans today?" I asked, trying to break the silence. What was I nervous about? Obviously, I hadn't done anything too embarrassing if he stayed over and made breakfast. I always felt this way the next day after drinking though. An undercurrent of anxiety.
"Uh, I was planning on getting an oil change, then I'm meeting up with a buddy for drinks later," he said, sipping his coffee. "What about you?"
I tried to focus on anything other than the sight of his tight chest muscles. I had the sudden strong urge to pour the syrup on him, instead of my breakfast.
"I'm working at Johnny's tonight."
"Ah, I see. That should be fun."
"Yeah, I've definitely enjoyed it so far. I've met some cool people," I said slyly.
"Oh yeah?" he laughed.
"Yeah. This one guy I met was so nice, he brought me dinner and a movie, then dealt with me passing out early." I brought my coffee to my lips, eyeing him. I still couldn't believe I had done that.
"Well he sounds like a pretty great guy. You should probably see him again." He turned and looked at me, a smirk on his face. My stomach did a back flip.
"Maybe I will." I took my last bite of waffle. "Oh, and did I tell you he also makes a mean waffle in the morning?"
"Well, he sounds like a keeper then." His smiling eyes held my gaze.
"He certainly does." We sat on the stools for another moment before I went to grab his plate. I couldn't tell what he wanted, and I wasn't willing to admit what I wanted yet, in case they didn't match up. I put our plates in the sink.
"Well maybe I'll see you tonight then. I was actually planning on going to Johnny's with my friend," he said, putting on his shirt. I felt slightly let down, watching the material cover his chiseled abs. We headed toward the front door.
"Oh great!" I replied. "It will give me something to look forward to." I felt my cheeks start to burn. God, was I being incredibly obvious?
"Ok, see you tonight then?"
"Tonight," I nodded.
We stood in the entryway, waiting for the other to make a move. I caved first. I walked toward him with my arms open, wrapping him in a hug. His scent washed over me.
"I had fun," I whispered into his neck.
"Me too." He pulled away, and kissed me on the cheek. "See you later."
I shut the door behind him, bringing my hand to my cheek, a huge grin plastering itself on my face.
"He did what?" Shannon cried, pouring a beer from the tap.
"He made waffles. It was an inside joke," I replied, squeezing a lime into a drink. Why was I trying to downplay it?
"And you still think he doesn't want you? He is now single, essentially planned a date, slept with you without sleeping with you, and made you breakfast in the morning. Hello!"
I rolled my eyes. "I don't know what to think. If he wanted me, why didn't he make a move then?" Maybe I was afraid of the potential for rejection. If I didn't think he wanted me, I couldn't be let down.
She gave me an admonishing look. "Maybe he's actually a gentleman. I don't know, you said you fell asleep. What was he wearing?"
I smiled, the memory of him in his dark green boxers flashing across my mind. "Boxers."
"Did you notice if his Big Ben was at attention?" she giggled.
"Oh my god!" I cried out.
"Well?" she asked, wide eyed.
I stood, trying to restrain my growing grin. "Maybe I felt it brush against me." A blush invaded my cheeks at the thought of him, hard, in my bed. Why did I fall asleep? Damn it Lacey!
"Ok, so obviously he wanted you. And obviously he wants more than just that. You are a lucky girl," she said, shaking her head.
I sighed. "I wouldn't say that just yet."
The night had been busy. I was worried when all the spots at the bar had been taken. I didn't know when Ben was planning on coming in. Oh god, what if he changed his mind? What if I had given him the impression I wasn't interested when I fell asleep? Or what if he got back together with his ex? I started to get nervous.
Two patrons got up from their seats, which were quickly filled by two men. My heart stopped momentarily as I saw Ben's handsome face, my imaginary fears subsiding. His bright smile made my knees weak. I walked over to them.
"What can I get you?" I smiled.
"Dude, how do you sleep with a girl without sleeping with her?" Todd asked as we walked the streets of Forrester toward Johnny's.
I pulled my jacket up tighter around my neck, the chill of the night biting me. "I don't know, it just sort of happened. Plus I just broke up with Marissa a couple days ago, I don't want Lacey to think she's a rebound or something." I didn't want to tell him that she passed out. I would never hear the end of it.
"You're a better man than me," he said, shaking his head and running his hand through his messy blonde hair. I had to admit, I actually agreed with that statement. Todd had been my best friend since high school, and was a notorious womanizer. In fact, I believed Todd to be the definition of douche bag. I always felt bad for the arm candy of the week, seeing them swoon, knowing they were about to be hit and quit.
"What does she have, huge tits? A perfect ass?" he laughed. Of course that's all he thought about.
"She does have a perfect ass, and sizeable tits, but that's beside the point," I shot back.
He lifted his hands up in the air, mimicking a stick up. "Whoa, I need to meet this girl that gets your panties into such a bunch."
"Well you're about to, so behave, you asshole," I chided, pulling open the door to the bar.
It was packed, even for a Saturday night. I was glad business was good for Johnny, but sad that my secret hangout was becoming more popular. I glanced up toward the bar, all the seats were taken. I saw Lacey up there, working with a huge smile on her face. She always looked so carefree working with people.
"Where do you want to go?" Todd asked, straining his neck to scope out a table.
"The bar," I replied.
I stopped a passing waitress. I pulled out a hundred from my wallet.
"Could you ask that couple up there if they'd be willing to give up their seats for this?" I asked, handing her the bill.
"Alright, let me check," she answered, heading up to the bar.
"Are you fucking kidding me man?" Todd laughed.
"Shut up," I replied. I was not about to sit anywhere else.
I watched as she asked them. The man's eyes lit up as he hastily put th
e money in his wallet. I quickly walked up and sat down as they left. Todd climbed onto the stool next to me.
"So which one? The blonde or the brunette?"
"The brunette," I muttered. Don't make me regret introducing you to her, I thought.
"Nice!" he said, elbowing me. "And you're right about the ass."
"Fuck off."
"But the blonde's got a hot ass too. And huge tits," he grinned. "Do you know her too?"
"That's Shannon, and she's too nice for me to set her up with you," I joked.
"We'll see about that," he retorted.
In that moment, I caught Lacey's eye. A smile lit up her face as she headed over.
"What can I get you?" she smiled.
"I'll have a Sam Adams draught," I answered. I instantly relaxed, now being near her.
"Alright, and for you," she asked, turning her attention to Todd.
"Same," he said, turning on his most charismatic smile.
"Coming right up," she said, spinning on her heels. I watched her walk away, a huge grin spreading across my face. I couldn't even help it.
"Dude, you've got it bad," Todd laughed.
I rolled my eyes. He was absolutely right, but I wouldn't admit that to him.
After a moment, Lacey returned with our drinks.
"Here you are, two Sam Adams," she said cheerfully, her blue eyes sparkling. She had that same rosy tinge to her cheeks.
"Thanks," I said. "Lacey this is-"
"I'm Todd," he said smoothly, sticking out his hand.
"I'm Lacey," she responded, taking it. A ripple of jealousy shot through me. "And whatever he's told you, I'm sure it's not true," she joked, looking right at me.
"Only good things," Todd laughed, glancing sideways in my direction.
"Uh huh, sure," she chided. She leaned her elbow casually on the bar. I caught a glimpse of her cleavage. "So what are you guys up to tonight?"
"You're looking at it," I responded, bringing my drink to my lips, trying not to eye her obviously. Her shirt was an emerald green color, making her eyes pop.
"What time do you get off?" Todd asked. Surprise reflected in Lacey's eyes.
"Eleven," she answered uncertainly, straightening herself up. Damn, there went my view.
"I just ask because we were probably going to head back to Ben's after this. Maybe you and your friend would like to join us?" He lifted his drink in the direction of Shannon.
What was he doing? We hadn't planned on anything after the bar. I held my breath, waiting for her answer.
Lacey turned toward Shannon, stumbling over her words. "Well, I'm not sure what her plans are. Hey Shannon, come over here!" she called.
Shannon's head popped up; she smiled as she made her way over.
"Hey Ben, how are you tonight?" She stood with her hands on her hips.
"I'm good, and you?" I responded politely.
"Good, just busy," she answered, looking around at the full bar.
"I'm Todd," he interrupted, again offering up his hand, charismatic smile on full blast.
"Shannon," she smiled sweetly. Uh oh.
"Shannon, what time do you get off tonight?" he asked emphatically.
"Eleven. Why do you ask, Todd?" she responded, leaning on the bar.
Lacey and I glanced at each other, smirking. This was definitely the Todd I knew.
"Well we were wondering if you ladies would like to join us for an afterhours get together at Ben's?" he said, running his thumb over the rim of his drink, not taking his eyes off Shannon.
She looked up at Lacey. She smiled, shrugging her shoulders.
"Ok Todd, that sounds like a plan," she smiled. "Can I get you anything else?"
"Not right now, maybe later," he answered, his eyes darkening.
Lacey turned toward me, sending me a message with her eyes saying, Jesus these two need to get a room. I shook my head, and picked up my beer.
"Well then it's settled," Lacey said, placing her hand on the counter. "I'll check back in a bit."
"Thanks Lace," I smiled. My pulse started racing at the thought of getting to spend time with her again tonight. Maybe things would end up differently?
"You're welcome," she said, holding my gaze before she turned and walked away.
"You can thank me later," Todd said, taking a drink. I did have to hand it to him.
"I think you'll be the one thanking me," I joked. "And you'll be washing the fucking guest bed sheets tomorrow."
He grinned. "Alright, that's fair."
We had a couple more beers before I decided we'd better get back to my place. It was already ten thirty, and I knew I needed to stop at the liquor store and get some "Lacey-friendly" drinks.
"Hey Lace, can we close out?" I asked.
"Sure thing." I loved seeing her smile like that. My groin twitched slightly.
Lacey handed us our bills, and Todd said, "ok, so we'll be seeing you ladies later right?"
"Yep," smiled Lacey, her fingers dancing on the bar.
Shannon made her way over. "See you soon," she smiled.
I made eye contact with Lacey one more time before we headed back to my apartment.
Chapter 10
"Holy shit, Ben's friend is hot!" cried Shannon.
I popped my hand on my hip, giving her a knowing smile.
"What?" she asked, unable to contain her grin. She knew exactly "what."
"Nothing," I replied. "I just wish I had half the self confidence you have." She knew she was going to hook up with Todd, and I still had no clear answer about what Ben was thinking.
"Oh my god, you're crazy! Are you nervous or something?"
I sighed heavily. "A little I guess. I don't know," I muttered.
"Here," she said, grabbing a bottle of tequila. "You need a shot to loosen up."
I waved my arms wildly back and forth. "Oh god, anything but tequila!" I cried.
She groaned, putting the bottle back. "Fine, I'll make you a girly shot," she joked.
I decided one shot would be ok; it's not like I was mixing them with martinis. And she did have a point, I really did need to relax.
"Alright ladies, you're all set to go if you'd like," Johnny smiled, walking out from his office.
"Join us in a shot!" cried Shannon, holding up a bottle of liquor. She poured the clear liquid into three glasses.
"Oh alright, you drive a hard bargain."
We all three clinked our glasses. Thankfully, whatever it was didn't taste too terrible. We headed out from behind the bar.
"Good night girls," he called.
"Good night!" we called back as we went out the door toward my building.
We decided to stop by my apartment first to freshen up. Shannon started to raid my closet. I listened to her muffled voice as I ran my fingers under my eyes in the mirror.
"Ooh, can I borrow this one?" She held up a bright pink halter top.
"Sure," I smiled, turning my attention back to my mirror. I reapplied some mascara and fluffed up my hair. Luckily it still had plenty of volume from all the hair spray I had put on earlier. I decided to keep on the same shirt I had worn all night. I had gotten the feeling Ben liked it on me.
"How does it look?" she asked, modeling in front of me.
My eyes widened. "Well your boobs look amazing, if that's what you were going for," I laughed. "Seriously, what size are you?"
"Thirty six double d," she responded, analyzing herself in the mirror.
"So not fair!" I exclaimed. I looked down my shirt, pouting. Having mid-sized breasts had its perks, I could definitely pull off a plunging neckline without looking slutty. But damn, Shannon's boobs were perfect.
"What are you talking about? You have beautiful tits!" she giggled.
I laughed. "Well they're no double d's. I'm a full c," I said, grabbing my chest.
"Well I bet they're the perfect size for Ben's hands," she said, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Yeah, yeah, let's go!" I said, smacking her butt.
We headed to the elevator and rode up to Ben's floor. My stomach was tightening as we got closer. I wish I had taken another shot, I thought.
The doors opened to a gorgeously decorated lobby instead of a hallway like on my floor. We stepped off, our footsteps echoing. We headed toward the solitary door, and knocked. I could faintly hear him walking toward the door. My heart skipped a beat as Ben opened it.
"Hey Lace, Shannon. Come on in," he smiled, pulling the door open wider for us.
We walked into a much grander entryway than in my apartment; there was dark marble flooring and a large ornate mirror that took up an entire wall. He lead us through to the living room, which also had floor to ceiling windows, but they seemed to last for days. His furniture was what I would describe as sleek and modern. There was a dark leather sofa and love seat, and two decorative chairs that didn't look comfortable in the least. I knew Ben had money, but I guess I wasn't prepared for how grand everything would be. I smiled; I was proud of him for working so hard.
Todd was seated on the sofa, a whiskey in hand. "Hello ladies," he said, standing up.
"Hi," I replied. I felt Ben's hand on the small of my back, sending tingles down my spine.
"Hey you," smiled Shannon, sauntering over to Todd. He wrapped his arm around her, whispering in her ear. Seriously? They had just met. How did that happen?
Ben glanced at me, smirking. "What can I get for you?" he asked, leading me through to the kitchen. Now this was a cook's kitchen, I thought. He had a Viking range, endless counter space, a separate island with a griddle. I stood there in awe, running my hand along his countertop.
"I love your kitchen," I said, staring around.
"Thanks. I wish I used it more, but again, I'm not much of a cook," he said, seemingly embarrassed. It was kind of cute, seeing him slightly uncomfortable.
"Well I'll come up anytime and cook for you," I said. Our eyes met, and I realized what I had said. "It's just a dream kitchen!" I tried to recover quickly. Luckily, Shannon bounced her way in, breaking the tension.
"So what would you like?" Ben motioned toward the bar he had set up in the corner. "I have supplies to make an apple martini, or I have some red wine."